Balochs claim SWASTIKA as their ancient national Sign for the following reasons but arguments based on recent research proudly conducted by young baloch historians/scholars:
The most ancient Civilization (MEHRGARH) According to Mr Jarriage (1974-85 George Weber: Article) it was the most developed civilization of its time. these are nearly 9000 to 11000 old ruins situated in Balochistan near Bolan river,where the Sign SWASTIKA was found on excavated potteries.
Balochistan is the mother land of ancient civilizations.Mr. Jarriage says that ” the area of Balochistan was the home land of ancient primary settlement of mankind.The mounds are also described the social, political, fiscal, religious, cultural, and anthhropological information about the ancient society of the area. Any big city like Harrapa and Mohenjodaro in Punjab and Sindh (Pakistan) not discovered here, but all mounds are correspondent the ancient and beginning village system. No doubt the village system began from Balochistan than extended in other countries.
The pre historic ruins explained a long story, but this story is not well defined by the Experts. In other countries the ruins of ancient big cities with a large number of objects have discovered in which all the socity defined very well, so every one has all information about them like ruins of Harrapa, Mohenjodaro, Kali Bhangan (Wheeler : 1997) ruins of ancient bablonia, ruins of jordan and Egypt and many other international sites. But the information about the mostly ruins of Balochistan are scanty, because of many reasons like;
i.These ruins are most ancient than the neighbour countris.
ii. The lack of research and excavation.
iii. The all researchdone by foriegn experts.
iv. On national and regional basis people have no information about these and many other sites in Balochistan.
Now after the exploration and excavation of mound of Mehrgarh and observing signs and pictures on the pottries of Mehrgarh, the young Baloch Historians/ Scholers Claim that the Sign of Swastika belongs to Baloch Culture and civilization
They argue that the world connects the SWASTIKA to the Arians, BUT…….. Remember that as per the Historical fact known by evry historian and student of the History, the Arians entered in this dynasty after 1600 BC, when major part of the ancient culture of balochistan was ended. point to be noted that the o objects bearing the sign of SWASTIKA found from Mehrgarh are 5000 to 9000 years oild, which proves that the SWASTIKA dose not belong to Arians but they opted it from Mehrgarh and afterward it became famous as Arian sign.
Beside SWASTIKA the other signs observed on the objects found from Mehrgarh very boldly connects the cultural of Mehrghar to the present cultural of Baloch Nation.
Debate is open to all historians/ Students of the history, Scholers to reject the Baloch’s Claim or to accept the fact that SWASTIKA is a pure Baloch sign which was lost and now found back.
This is an introductory text to the debate. While debate opens the proves to effect would be provided on demand.
Indeed People should be Proud of their
Culture and Ancestry
The Swastika should be Freely Displayed
and is whatever anyone says a Symbol of
Good and Virtue
I Hope that comes a Time when the Swastika
is No Longer Demonised and I am All for the
Display of the Swastika including upon
To Interfere with the Swastika is to Interfere
with Cultural Religious and Human Rights
Their has been too much Anti Germanism
The Hammer and the Sickle has been More
the Symbol of Suffering to many including
Today in the ” Peoples Republic of China ”
where both Chinese and Tibetan People Suffer
Wow, people seem to be forgetting that the swastika for Germany was created to help bring the Germans together when the need was greatest!! Hitler did this and the country was unified and millions of people were put back to work under one symbol, the swastika. I am married to a German, my son is half German. I was stationed in Germany for 5 years not long ago, German people are angry that they cannot be proud of their history as americans are even they I, as an american have a very brutal history as do every other country. Germany just LOST thats all. Im proud to be carrying my extended family’s memorabilia’s in the open and I display the swastika open in my home regardless of who it makes uncomfortable. Grow up! Get over it. The russians were far more vicious if you do your history people. Let the germans have their history and be proud people again, Im proud to be white so should they!
In my openion swastik and magic square are pair not saprate , i just made a Man size magic square 64×64 pdf , 5 feet , used nos, 4096 , this is not a simple thing to keep in memory put them .
Native Americans used the symbol as well!! I thought it symbolized god to them!! I think the Hebrews used the symbol as well I thought that was why the Nazi’s used it to throw it on their face!!
But symbols are about communicating shared meaning. For half the world it is evocative of mass murder, racism and tremendous suffering and conflict.
The swastika was a key part of Nazi iconography, and this aspect of the symbol’s use should not be swept under the carpet. Their actions should not be forgotten, and thier imagery should not be sanitized, don’t you think?
Dear María Castro
I Agree about the Swastika
being Symbol of Victory of Good over Evil.
Existing for Many Hundreds and Thousands of
Years before the National Socialist Disaster
One Hopes that the Swastika will Exist for a
Long Time preferably Eternity
It is with Pride that I Use my Swastika Designs
showing the Swastika in a Positive Light
The swastik is the symbol of victory, the victory of the Universal Conscience, the victory of spiritualism. It has nothing to do with Hitler’s macabre plan.
no one know about Four Bindu (spot) Of Swastik . Writter know all There fore surch google Chautisa Darshan and look Position of Swastik Bindu s liv
e cast with action proff .
The symbol of god is well known. It is only expected of the dark side should try and gain some light. If you are one who truly believes, and lives buy gods laws, he will bless you.
Ramavtar Khemka go search for Yahoo Mail
set up a Yahoo Mail Account and then go
look on google for yahoogroups and either
under Government & Politics or Religion & Beliefs
a Swastika Group could be Set Up
I have found that Swastik is a Positive Power as like the god.Actually Swastik is a four Direction Theroum.I File it patent application no. 2179/Del/2011.
i Know How to make useful (Daily use not in picture) Swastik.
I have made a Swastik Paper Device attached with binary.
Swastik Knowlledge not possible to explain in Lectures.
I wish to Show it on the site in video shape.
Plzz comments if you like
Helo Robert…Please Provide me link where i put my informartion regarding swastik.
My investigation regarding swastik is so wide and i also research on this Swatik Past 25 years.
I have many information and My purpose is to spread this knowledge all over the world.I also fiind a Patner who join me as a Partner gratuitously or non gratuiously manner.
Well Done to Balochs in Claiming the Swastika
as their Ancient National Symbol
It would be Splendid to see a Balochistan Flag
Proudly Bearing the Swastika Flying
I Treasure my Flag of Air Training Wing of the
Finnish Air Force with Swastika upon so
Long Live the Swastika for the Present and the
Apparently there is a Gilgit Baltistan Flag
with the Swastika upon
October 15th, 2012 at 5:12 pm.
Balochs claim SWASTIKA as their ancient national Sign for the following reasons but arguments based on recent research proudly conducted by young baloch historians/scholars:
The most ancient Civilization (MEHRGARH) According to Mr Jarriage (1974-85 George Weber: Article) it was the most developed civilization of its time. these are nearly 9000 to 11000 old ruins situated in Balochistan near Bolan river,where the Sign SWASTIKA was found on excavated potteries.
Balochistan is the mother land of ancient civilizations.Mr. Jarriage says that ” the area of Balochistan was the home land of ancient primary settlement of mankind.The mounds are also described the social, political, fiscal, religious, cultural, and anthhropological information about the ancient society of the area. Any big city like Harrapa and Mohenjodaro in Punjab and Sindh (Pakistan) not discovered here, but all mounds are correspondent the ancient and beginning village system. No doubt the village system began from Balochistan than extended in other countries.
The pre historic ruins explained a long story, but this story is not well defined by the Experts. In other countries the ruins of ancient big cities with a large number of objects have discovered in which all the socity defined very well, so every one has all information about them like ruins of Harrapa, Mohenjodaro, Kali Bhangan (Wheeler : 1997) ruins of ancient bablonia, ruins of jordan and Egypt and many other international sites. But the information about the mostly ruins of Balochistan are scanty, because of many reasons like;
i.These ruins are most ancient than the neighbour countris.
ii. The lack of research and excavation.
iii. The all researchdone by foriegn experts.
iv. On national and regional basis people have no information about these and many other sites in Balochistan.
Now after the exploration and excavation of mound of Mehrgarh and observing signs and pictures on the pottries of Mehrgarh, the young Baloch Historians/ Scholers Claim that the Sign of Swastika belongs to Baloch Culture and civilization
They argue that the world connects the SWASTIKA to the Arians, BUT…….. Remember that as per the Historical fact known by evry historian and student of the History, the Arians entered in this dynasty after 1600 BC, when major part of the ancient culture of balochistan was ended. point to be noted that the o objects bearing the sign of SWASTIKA found from Mehrgarh are 5000 to 9000 years oild, which proves that the SWASTIKA dose not belong to Arians but they opted it from Mehrgarh and afterward it became famous as Arian sign.
Beside SWASTIKA the other signs observed on the objects found from Mehrgarh very boldly connects the cultural of Mehrghar to the present cultural of Baloch Nation.
Debate is open to all historians/ Students of the history, Scholers to reject the Baloch’s Claim or to accept the fact that SWASTIKA is a pure Baloch sign which was lost and now found back.
This is an introductory text to the debate. While debate opens the proves to effect would be provided on demand.
October 15th, 2012 at 3:37 pm.
Indeed People should be Proud of their
Culture and Ancestry
The Swastika should be Freely Displayed
and is whatever anyone says a Symbol of
Good and Virtue
I Hope that comes a Time when the Swastika
is No Longer Demonised and I am All for the
Display of the Swastika including upon
To Interfere with the Swastika is to Interfere
with Cultural Religious and Human Rights
Their has been too much Anti Germanism
The Hammer and the Sickle has been More
the Symbol of Suffering to many including
Today in the ” Peoples Republic of China ”
where both Chinese and Tibetan People Suffer
October 6th, 2012 at 10:17 am.
Wow, people seem to be forgetting that the swastika for Germany was created to help bring the Germans together when the need was greatest!! Hitler did this and the country was unified and millions of people were put back to work under one symbol, the swastika. I am married to a German, my son is half German. I was stationed in Germany for 5 years not long ago, German people are angry that they cannot be proud of their history as americans are even they I, as an american have a very brutal history as do every other country. Germany just LOST thats all. Im proud to be carrying my extended family’s memorabilia’s in the open and I display the swastika open in my home regardless of who it makes uncomfortable. Grow up! Get over it. The russians were far more vicious if you do your history people. Let the germans have their history and be proud people again, Im proud to be white so should they!
October 5th, 2012 at 6:50 pm.
In my openion swastik and magic square are pair not saprate , i just made a Man size magic square 64×64 pdf , 5 feet , used nos, 4096 , this is not a simple thing to keep in memory put them .
October 2nd, 2012 at 11:47 am.
When the Swastika is Openly Flown in the
World as Befits it’s Cultural Religious Heritage
the World will be a Better Place
Swastika Symbol of Peace and Good Luck
The National Socialists are Gone Thankfully but
May the Swastika Live On
October 1st, 2012 at 3:21 pm.
Indeed the Swastika was an Ancient Symbol
and it should be a Symbol of the Present and
the Future
One Terrible Regime does Not Change the
Fact that the Swastika was a Symbol of
Good Luck and Peace
Millions Suffered under the Hammer and Sickle
but Yet the Hammer and Sickle
is Not so Demonised
Future to the Swastika
September 28th, 2012 at 1:36 pm.
Native Americans used the symbol as well!! I thought it symbolized god to them!! I think the Hebrews used the symbol as well I thought that was why the Nazi’s used it to throw it on their face!!
September 27th, 2012 at 8:13 pm.
Sure it’s an ancient symbol.
But symbols are about communicating shared meaning. For half the world it is evocative of mass murder, racism and tremendous suffering and conflict.
The swastika was a key part of Nazi iconography, and this aspect of the symbol’s use should not be swept under the carpet. Their actions should not be forgotten, and thier imagery should not be sanitized, don’t you think?
September 27th, 2012 at 4:59 pm.
The Swastika in it’s Original Meaning of
a Symbol of Good Luck and Peace is something
to be Rightfully Proud of.
Future for the Swastika
September 26th, 2012 at 9:44 am.
It’s just a shape. If you want to be offended by a symbol that’s connected to genocide and intolerance, try a cross.
September 25th, 2012 at 9:23 pm.
Dear María Castro
I Agree about the Swastika
being Symbol of Victory of Good over Evil.
Existing for Many Hundreds and Thousands of
Years before the National Socialist Disaster
One Hopes that the Swastika will Exist for a
Long Time preferably Eternity
It is with Pride that I Use my Swastika Designs
showing the Swastika in a Positive Light
September 21st, 2012 at 1:05 pm.
The swastik is the symbol of victory, the victory of the Universal Conscience, the victory of spiritualism. It has nothing to do with Hitler’s macabre plan.
September 20th, 2012 at 7:07 pm.
Good Efforts Ramavtar khemkak in Putting
Up those Videos on You Tube
September 20th, 2012 at 10:58 am.
no one know about Four Bindu (spot) Of Swastik . Writter know all There fore surch google Chautisa Darshan and look Position of Swastik Bindu s liv
e cast with action proff .
September 20th, 2012 at 9:53 am.
The symbol of god is well known. It is only expected of the dark side should try and gain some light. If you are one who truly believes, and lives buy gods laws, he will bless you.
September 19th, 2012 at 10:37 pm.
Just invented . Look videos regarding Swastik & Chautisa Yantra surch on youtube Swastik darshan and Chautisa Darshan , more Thanks
September 19th, 2012 at 3:17 am.
Ramavtar Khemka go search for Yahoo Mail
set up a Yahoo Mail Account and then go
look on google for yahoogroups and either
under Government & Politics or Religion & Beliefs
a Swastika Group could be Set Up
September 17th, 2012 at 11:35 am.
I have found that Swastik is a Positive Power as like the god.Actually Swastik is a four Direction Theroum.I File it patent application no. 2179/Del/2011.
i Know How to make useful (Daily use not in picture) Swastik.
I have made a Swastik Paper Device attached with binary.
Swastik Knowlledge not possible to explain in Lectures.
I wish to Show it on the site in video shape.
Plzz comments if you like
September 16th, 2012 at 2:51 am.
Helo Robert…Please Provide me link where i put my informartion regarding swastik.
My investigation regarding swastik is so wide and i also research on this Swatik Past 25 years.
I have many information and My purpose is to spread this knowledge all over the world.I also fiind a Patner who join me as a Partner gratuitously or non gratuiously manner.
Any interesting Person also contact me.
Please reply me as soon as poosible.
Ramavtar Khemka
Mob No. 9988775238 (India)
September 15th, 2012 at 5:21 pm.