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  1. 40. jyotirmaya says:

    Sounds like you have something backed up in your brain (as opposed to braned up on your back)

  2. 39. therock says:

    i have the swastika braned on my back.but i do not hate all races. i am proud to be a white man

  3. 38. therock says:

    freedom to the white race.freedom to are children

  4. 37. Jack Berlin says:

    I like to observe, one thing is the swastika can be disassembled and can make differrent objects, differrent symbles, to myself it represents the first attempt to draw a circle, wheel, galaxy, look at he end of an end mill used for machining, most of them are four fluet. To me it’s a symble of God’s knowlegde, it’s mechanical endless. fore give my spelling.

  5. 36. jyotirmaya says:

    “Forever be tainted” ???- it is interesting how short sighted people can be when viewing history. In 5000 years time, I am sure the 20-50 year blip of Nazism will be a tiny speck on the timeline of human history compared to say the 5 000-10 000 year influence of Tantric culture which has used the symbol positively.

    Get a perspective!

  6. 35. Me says:

    Why don’t you people thank Hitler for “ruining” your swastika. It will forever be a tainted symbol.

  7. 34. mike says:

    I’m educated and informed. I agree the Swastika has gotten a bad wrap thanks to Hitler. Hitler liked black Mercedes and VW Beetles and really liked the color ‘red’ in his image propaganda materiels, yet those things aren’t considered racist or evil. But I guess that’s what make the Swastika surpass those things, it’s a ‘symbol’. A symbol is the one thing that stands in front of, and above, everything else – after all isn’t that what a great ‘symbol’ is supposed to do?

    It takes on all it stands for….good and bad.

    However, if your heritage is based in Western or European or Middle-eastern civilizations, then you can’t deny the fact that a Swastika, regardless of rotation, direction, etc.. make a helluva lot of people uncomfortable, angry and sad.

    It’s a symbol I can get by in life without out of the respect of those around me that have a real connection in life to the horrors that it once was associtated with even years ago.

    Educate the ignorant but respect the experienced.

  8. 33. jyotirmaya says:

    Pradiip, yes I often wonder about the cosmic implications of WW2 and the swastika being involved.

    Maybe WW2 needed to happen from a cosmic perspective in order to break the back of British emperialism that was throttling the globe…?

  9. 32. Swasti says:


    I Just love the Swaztika, I already have a AUM tattoo and want to tattoo a big Swaztika on my back.


  10. 31. Pradiip says:

    I have forgoten who said it, but i heard someone say that the after effects of WW2 will never be truly over until we can again use the Swastika without a feeling of shame. Perhaps there is something in that?

  11. 30. Seppo Lehto - pro Svastika Sauli Niinistö president of Finland says:

    You can find more svastikas from finnish presidential flag and from this seppolehto blog

    Presidentti Tarja Halonen Hakaniemen torilla Helsingissä vappupäivänä 01.05.1976.: “SUOMELLE OLISI SIUNAUKSELLISTA LIITTYÄ NEUVOSTOLIITTOON”


    “Suomelle olisi siunauksellista liittyä Neuvostoliittoon rauhanomaisin keinoin. Samalla pääsisimme irti kapitalismin ikeestä, koska kapitalismi kuitenkin 20 vuoden aikana kuolee. Suomi voisi olla yhdessä Neuvostoliiton kanssa tiennäyttäjä kohti kommunistista yhteiskuntaa.”

    Tämän tavoitteellisen puheen piti nykyinen tasavallan presidentti Tarja Halonen Hakaniemen torilla Helsingissä vappupäivänä 01.05.1976. Tästä hyvin vaietusta puheesta voi lukea lisää esim. ko. ajan Karjala-lehdestä.

    Voimme olla hyvin onnellisia siitä, ettei Halonen tämän ennustuksellisen vappupuheen aikana vielä ollut Suomen presidentti. Ennustus toteutui vähän nurinkurisesti. Toivemaa Neuvostoliitto tuhoutui alle 20 vuodessa omaan mahdottomuuteensa ja “kapitalistinen” Suomi jatkoi voittokulkuaan.

    Jotain tästä puheesta jäi kuitenkin elämään. Halosen puoluetoveri Mauno Koivisto yritti presidenttiaikanaan edelleen sitoa Suomea YYA-siteisiin, vaikka Neuvostoliitto oli jo tuhonnut itsensä. Kun se ei onnistunut, oli Suomen ja Venäjän välille laadittava ns. Naapuruussopimus eräänlaisena YYA:n väljähtyneenä jatkeena.

    Vähemmälle huomiolle on jäänyt se, että samanaikaisesti solmittiin toinenkin valtiosopimus: Lähialueyhteistyösopimus. Sen ytimenä on ollut rahan lahjoittaminen rikkaalle naapurille. Lähialueyhteistyöhön on kulutettu yli 1.1 mrd. euroa, josta Venäjän osuus on ollut 750 milj. euron luokkaa. Ulkopuoliselle ei ole selvää, mihin kaikki rahat on käytetty tai kuinka suuri on ollut suoraa ja kuinka suuri osa epäsuoraa tukea. Mutta eivät ne asiat näytä olevan selviä ulkoministeriöllekään.

    Tarja Halonen olisi 1976 ollut valmis luovuttamaan itsenäisen Suomen valtion Neuvostoliitolle, joka vasta muutama vuosikymmen aikaisemmin oli oikeudettomasti hyökännyt Suomeen, tuhonnut kymmeniä tuhansia ihmisiä ja mittaamattoman määrän omaisuutta, anastanut 12 % maa-alueesta, maksattanut huikeat sotakorvaukset ja sotien jälkeenkin jatkuvasti painostanut Suomea. Miksi Halonen olisi luovuttanut Suomen? Saadakseen Suomen Neuvosto-onnelan ikeen alle, jolloin toiveet pohjoismaisesta hyvinvoinnista oli pitänyt haudata ikuisiksi ajoiksi.

    Onko Halosen politiikka edelleen sama, vai onko jotain muuttunut? Muutokset Halosen politiikassa voidaan havaita selvästi. Enää hän ei yhtä suoraan kerro, mikä hänen tavoitteensa on, vaan pyrkii salaamaan todelliset tavoitteensa sekä tässä että lähes kaikissa muissakin asioissa. Siitä ei ole tietoa, onko itse politiikka muuttunut mihinkään.

    Halonen ei enää ilmoita avoimesti, että Suomi tulisi liittää Venäjään. Ei hän ilmeisesti ole tavoitettaan perunutkaan, koska perumisesta ei ole mitään merkintää. Ulkopuolisen tarkkailijan näkökulmasta tavoite tulee yhä esille siinä, ettei Halonen suostu edes keskustelemaan ns. sodanjälkeisistä kipupisteistä. Olemme yhä syyllisiä sotiin, koska ylläpidämme itse tahallisesti tätä syyllisyyttä estämällä ns. sotasyyllisyystuomioiden purkamisen.

    Vanha tavoite tulee esille siinä, ettei Halonen halua edes keskustella Kalastajasaarennon, Petsamon, Sallan, Kuusamon, Karjalan ja muiden miehitettyjen alueidemme palautuksesta. Miksi hän haluaisi keskustelua Neuvostoliitolle miehitetyksi joutuneen alueen palautuksesta, koska hän oli valmis luovuttamaan koko maan Neuvostoliitolle, ja siten kenties vielä sen seuraajalle Venäjällekin.

    Halosen muuttunut politiikka tulee esille siinä, että hän toivoo, ettei vanhoja asioita lainkaan kaiveltaisi, vaan keskityttäisiin tulevaisuuteen. Muutos merkitsee vain syvää vaikenemista ja asioitten salailua. Tulisiko Suomen tulevaisuuden kannalta tärkeimmän viran täyttäminen siten toteuttaa pimittämällä sen keskeisimmän tavoittelijan perustavaa laatua olevat tavoitteet?

    Meillä on nyt presidenttinä, kirkon johtajana, puolustusvoimien ylipäällikkönä sekä maan moraalisena ja arvojohtajana henkilö, jonka lähtökohtana on ollut – kenties on edelleenkin? – oman maan luovuttaminen vieraan vallan alaisuuteen sekä asioitten salaaminen.

    Tältä pohjalta Halosen ratkaisut tulevat ymmärretyiksi: maamiinojen yksipuolinen poistaminen, Suomen puolustuksen heikentäminen, sekoilu Natoon liittymisessä, Koiviston konklaavin papereiden salaaminen, Stasi-papereiden salaaminen, Karjalasta vaikeneminen, pankkikriisin uhrien vaientaminen, nurkan takana odottavan taloudellisen kriisin salaaminen, KKO:n presidentin nimitysperusteista vaikeneminen.

    Edellä olevat esimerkit kertovat, että tavoitteena oleva pohjoismainen hyvinvointivaltio on pahasti uhattuna. Ei sitä olisi saavutettu liittymällä Neuvostoliittoon, mutta nykyisellä johtamistyhjiöllä tavoitteen pitäminen etääntyy päivä päivältä yhä suuremman osan kansasta joutuessa B-luokkaan.

    Olisiko Suomen luovuttaminen kokonaan tai osittain nykyiselle Venäjälle jollakin tavoin Venäjän edun mukaista? Voisihan siitä jostain näkökulmasta olla lyhytaikainen etu, mutta pitemmällä tähtäyksellä se olisi molemmille katastrofi. Vaikka ei voida sanoa, että Venäjä olisi kulkemassa kohti länsimaista demokratiaa, siellä on kuitenkin menossa muutos. Muutoksessa on havaittavissa merkittäviä mielipiteitä, että esim. Suomen kanssa vanhat asiat tulisi selvittää.

    Suomen ja Venäjän todelliset edut ovat täysin erilaiset kuin mihin Tarja Halonen toiminnallaan tähtää. Vain sopimalla vanhat, nyt keskinäistä luottamusta edelleen vahvasti syövät asiat neuvottelupöydässä perinpohjin, voidaan luoda sellaista keskinäistä sosiaalista pääomaa, joka asteittain palauttaa maitten välisen aidon luottamuksen. Luottamusta ei rakenneta tyhjien sanojen varaan, mutta ei sitä rakenneta myöskään selvittämättömien aggressioiden päälle.

    Kun Venäjä palauttaa Suomelle Neuvostoliiton miehittämät (ns. “pakkoluovuttamat alueet”) ja sopii sodan tuhojen korvaamisesta, muodostuu maittemme välille uusi perusta. Siltä perustalta voidaan ryhtyä rakentamaan professori Arto Lahden esille tuomaa Baltic Rim –yhteistyötä. Suomen Karjalan (eli Kannas ja Laatokan Karjala) ja Petsamon vahvan kehityksen mukana luodaan vankka pohja myös Venäjän raja-alueiden nousulle. Aluepalautuksen myönteinen vaikutus maailman poliittiseen tilanteeseen tulee olemaan erittäin suuri.

    Suomessa on totuttu vetämään ns. Venäjä-kortti presidenttipelin kuumetessa. Mitä myönteistä Tarja Halonen on kuuden vuoden aikana saavuttanut esim. ulkosuhteissamme tai suhteissamme Venäjään? Ei tiettävästi mitään erityistä.

    Heikko tulos johtunee osaltaan siitä, ettei hänen toimintansa asioitten salailijana ja vaikenijana ole missään suhteessa Suomen edun mukaista, mutta ei se ole myöskään Venäjän edun mukaista. Suomi ansaitsee Suomen legitiimejä etuja ajavan presidentin. ja sivustot alustavasti opastajinanne

    ——— ——- ———- ——— ——— —-
    Kiitämme ylläolevasta Tarja Halosen Neuvosto-Venäjää ja sen alueriistojamme ihailevan KGB-:tä ja neuvostokommunismia palvelevan taustan paljastavan kirjoituksen julkaisemisesta foorumilla.
    Tässä yhteydessä on tehty vain olennaiset kansainvälisen oikeuden termilogiset lisäykset miehitystämme koskien tähän siltä osin, että kyseessä on Suomelta miehitetyt alueet, mitkä eivät ole ns. “pakkoluovutettuja”, saati “luovutettuja” kansainvälisen oikeudenkaan mukaan, sillä mitään korvausta emme ole alueriistoistamme saaneet, puhumattakaan, että kyseessä olisi miltäänosin lahjanomainen vastikkeeton “luovutus”. Kyseessähän on ilmiselvä laiton Suomen aluemiehitys Stalinin valtioterrorin ajoilta .
    —– ——- —- —- —– —– ——- —– ——

    PS: Sauli Niinistö presidentiksi mieluummin kuin vanha kansanmurhia ja miehityksiä ymv:a stalinismin vääryyksiä suojeleva KGB-lehmä Tarja Halonen. Sauli Niinistön kampanjajoukot hereille kokonaisen miehittämättömän Suomen puolesta suojeluskuntamarssin ja laulujen säestämänä tamperelaisen historioitsija Seppo Lehdon heiluttaessa tahtipuikkoa Sauli Niinistöä tukeville presidentivaalikampanjajoukoille opastamalla oheisten blogien kautta kansakunnallisiin tavoitteisiimme

    Sotasyyllisyydet kumottava virallisesti, jotta voimme vaatia miehitettyjen alueidemme palauttamista! Ainoa oikea syyllinen viime sotiimme oli saastainen sovjet-Ryssä, nykyinen Venäjän kyseenalainen federaatio, sillä federalisaatiohan on ajettu alas Vladimir Putinin suoralla aluekuvernöörien nimittämisoikeudella.

    Suomi suomalaisille, Afrikka afrikkalaisille! Tähän lauseeseen voinee yhtyä jokainen kunnon suomalainen, joka ei haudo Ryssä-korttia Tarja “Tavja” Halosen tyyliin

    Seppo Lehto tamperelainen historioitsija ja aluepalauttaja Väinö Voionmaan ja Mannerheimin suursuomalaisin ajatuksin

  12. 29. pontachelo says:

    You say in your opening page “it became associated with murder and oppression on a scale never before witnessed on this earth”. I think you’ll find that the slaughter of native Americans had a higher body count. The oppression continues to this day. Of course this isnt generaly reported or mentioned in polite company.

  13. 28. Mark Palmer says:

    I am a Christian and I am aware that there are people who are naive to the concept of using the swastica as a very personal symbol of spiritual victory, and are insistant on instantly relating the swastica as a symbol of the racism of the nazi’s. I feel that when people actively speak or act against this are obviously holding onto an ignorant oppinion. An oppinion which borders racism in itself. I feel that if people are insistant on discriminating against the symbol of the swastica, then we may as well be racist againt the international people who are coming to live in this contry, which is a rediculouse idea because it is a beautiful thing. Because what is the difference between racism and religiouse discrimination anyway? Im sorry, if you have this oppinion of discrimination, that it exists! If it is invading your personal space then the people who stand behind the swastica as a religiouse symbol are invading your personal space as well.

  14. 27. Din Dyal Passi says:

    very interesting

  15. 26. shivashakti says:

    Namaskar & thankyou for your comments.
    As for Germany using the swastiks, I have mentioned to you that the Germans were in India on a fact-finding mission on all aspects of ancient Indian life & they borrowed a substantial amount of scientific as well as cultural information from all our ancient Hindu scriptures & ‘took’ the swastik with them in order to portray themselves as superior as our forefathers were & to portray that they were different from their Anglo-Saxon European brothers & descendants in Europe. Prior to this there was no history of the Swastik with the Germans.
    The notion or misconception of there ever being an ‘Aryan’ invasion in India is a Western distortion of real historical facts as far as India is concerned.
    I totally disagree with you on the so called 3 invading groups that you’ve described to me – its impossible & I feel you need to delve more into ancient Indian history & please study our sanskritic scriptures. There are no accounts of there ever having been an ‘Aryan’ invasion into India but there are accounts of our Aryan Kings at the time going out of ‘AryaVarta’ in order to conquer new lands in order to extend the boundaries of their relevant kingdoms. No way did our ancient scriptures come from the Mediterranean, nor from Europe and certainly not from China!!!
    As far as China & Tibet are concerned, Tibet was a small Hindu kingdom & Chinese scholars were present in India until around 650 AD studying the scriptures & the Indian way of life. Buddhism was actually introduced to China by the great Emporaor Ashoka who also later on travelled as far as Egypt 6000 yrs ago.
    There is nothing foreign about our culture or language as I have mentioned before – i.e. please do not distort Indian history & tradition in order make it appear that some European /Scandinavian foriegners gave us our civilisation and is by far more superior than anyone’s on Earth!!
    Mohenjo-Daro is just an excavation find by European scientists & they named it so and around Sindh which has deep history in that region dating back well before the Royal King Jayadrath but since India is the most ancient land of them all , there were plenty that the Europeans found which had been either destroyed or burried under ground due to the span of time. This really proves nothing whatsoever that the Aryans were from outside!!
    The word ‘Arya’ [sanscrit] in the ancient times was referred to a person belonging to the land as I had described earlier called AryaVarta -and one who was a member of the first 3 castes , with a noble upbringing and one who believed in & practised the Vedic scriptures, with Sanskrit being the language of the devas & being widely spoken in India at the time of the first 3 yugas & well into first half of kaliyug. According to our ancient history, any foriegn invaders were dealt with immediately & driven out of AryaVarta.
    How then did these so called ‘Aryans’ from outside manage to invade us? Please explain & prove. And also you’ve mentioned Aryan cultures were from Scandinavia, the meditarranean & the alps!! Are you sure – really? Then why don’t the Scandinavians have Aryan or Sanscritic cuture or names? I would certainly like to know where you’ve got your history from.
    As I have explained the Swastik represents Lord Vishnu – who is not mentioned in Scandinavian, German, mediterranean or Mongolian history texts – & the swastik’s four arms represent the four arms of Lord Vishnu – one holding the conch, one holding the mace, one holding the lotus & final one holding the chakra. Could you explain what’s so foriegn about this to India?
    I’m sorry, I disagree with you totally and feel you are a victim of Western distortion of Indian history. I feel you need to study all the vedas,upanishads, mahapurans, Manusmritis etc & hopefully you will fully comprehend the West’s devious motives.
    The discourses by P.R.Sarkar [never heard of him/her] is pure rubbish & proves nothing whatsoever as anyone nowadays can open their mouth & shout out anything & the masses will straight away believe blindly.
    The Vishnu Chakra is a Hindu religious symbol, used as part of Vastu as well as other shastra yogas by ancient Aryajati people of India as well as by the modern Aryajati people today of India, which had been misused by the ignorant Nazi Germans & white racists all over & its about time that we Hindus put a stop to this misuse.

  16. 25. jyotirmaya says:

    Namaska’ra Shivashakti, and thank you for your comments. I will try to respond to them as succinctly as possible.

    “You’re wrong that there was any type of long Germanic/Aryan history� – what I was implying about my statements was that the Swastika had been used in Germany for quite a long period before the rise of the Nazi party, primarily as a good luck symbol. I have found evidence to suggest it was used in the 1800’s, as to exactly how far it goes back in this culture, I am unsure -probably nowhere near as far as it does in asian culture where it seems to date from as far back as the Rg Vedic period which starts around 15000 years ago. However, as to where the aryans were at this time, hopefully my comments below may shed some light.

    Mohenjadaro is commonly known as a pre-Aryan culture by most historians, and the evidence of swastika use by this culture is in plain evidence in the British museum. To think that the swastika, then belongs exclusively to the aryans is a misnomer.

    The aryan tribes, themselves are also not originally from India. Around 10 – 15 000 years ago they seemed to have moved south from the Caucasian area of southern Russia. The native tribes of India at that time were Austrics, Mongolians and Dravidians. These tribes were developed, especially in the practises of Tantra, and it is likely they would have been using the science of Yantra (sacred symbols), an integral part of Tantra. Therefore it might be that the swastika symbol was in use in India before the aryans moved there.

    This quote from “Discourses on Tantra� by P.R Sarkar says some things about the Aryan origins:-

    “In the days of Shiva, three ethnic groups intermingled. One was the Austric group, the black non-Aryan people; the second was the Mongolian group who came to India from the north, that is from Tibet and China; and the third was the fair-complexioned Aryan group which entered India from the west. The Aryans are further divided into three groups. The Aryans of the far north are Nordic. Their complexion is reddish-white, their hair is reddish and the irises of their eyes are brown, which is to say also reddish. The second group, the Alpine group, have bluish hair, bluish irises and a pinkish-white complexion. The third group, the Mediterranean group, have a milky-white complexion, black hair and blackish irises. The Aryans who settled in India came mostly from this Mediterranean group, and converged, as mentioned, with the Mongolians from the north [and with the Austrics].�

    From this quote, it seems that the aryans cultures were originally from Scandinavia, the mediterranean and the Alps, the mediterranean aryans being largely the ones who migrated to India. It is also likely that the Germanic tribes were originally alpine Aryan.The period of Shiva that Sarkar refers to here is around 7500 years ago.

    My point here, is that the swastika cannot be attributed to one particular creed, race or religion. It is a universal symbol for universal use. Anyone who uses it otherwise, defies the real power of this yantra.

  17. 24. shivashakti says:

    My comment is directed at Jyotirmaya. You’re wrong that there was any type of long Germanic/Aryan history.There was no such thing – please study the history texts & scriptural texts of ancient India & all your answers are there.
    Further, the Germans are an Anglo-Saxon race which conquered Britain etc within Europe. The notion of Aryanism was first discovered by the Germans when they were in India around the early 1800′s & were fascinated to find how ahead the ancient Hindu scriptures in science, medicine, astronomy, mathematics – in fact all aspects concerning human life on this Earth & the Cosmos -were & fraudulently borrowed a substantial amount of this information so as to make the Germans appear to be a master race. The Germans were never a part of the Aryan race which was indeginous only to India in the ancient times & the modern day Hindus of India are descendants or are the Aryan race.
    India in the ancient days was referred to as AryaVarta – the land south of the Himalayas, north of the Vindhyas, with great rivers such as the Ganges flowing on its land – the people of AryaVarta were the Aryas who had a Vedic upbringing & lived according to all the Vedic texts which were in the first place when the Universe was being created initially recited by the Creator Lord Brahma.
    The Vedic literature, Sanskrit which was referred to as the language of the devas, our sacred symbols such as aum & swastika or Vishnu Chakra, our Rishis & Munis – none of these are from Europe or elsewhere & there is nothing foreign about the vedic religion as it is wholly indeginous to India. None of this came from outside but was nurtured from within these borders.
    Also the Swastika is only indeginous to ancient India & I find it difficult to believe it could have been ever used by other civilisations since it has a very in-depth meaning than just ‘Good-luck’!!!!

  18. 23. Prem says:

    If anyone has photos of swastikas in their natural habitat, feel free to submit them to the Positive Swastikas photo-group on

    You can join Flickr for free if you do not already have an account.

  19. 22. jyotirmaya says:

    There is a very interesting link to the Thule society started in 1918 in Germany to be found here: (check out their swastika logo…)
    This society was founded by freemason Rudolf von Sebottendorff who was well schooled in occultism. The Thule society was the precursor to the Nazi party.

    Also a very interesting discussion on swastika direction here:

  20. 21. Roshnii says:

    I am not sure that I agree entirely with Ainur Elmgren when he concludes that the meaning of the swastika depends entirely on its cultural and historical context.

    I do believe that the intellectual understanding of the swastika will vary. However, I am aware of the ancient science of yantra which explains that on an intuitional level a visual symbol may have subtle effects on one’s mind that would be difficult to measure.

    I believe the philosopher PR Sarkar to have had great insight into science and spirituality and so I am inclined to take his ideas about the swastika seriously. See Symbolism.

    It would be most interesting to be able to conduct experiments about the effects of meditating on the ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ swastikas.

    All in all, what I am trying to express is that symbols, such as the swastika, may well have a power that we cannot easily fathom with the rational intellect.

    The varied usage of the swastika over time may not be enough to explain or change its original meaning or to touch on its subtle power.

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