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  1. 440. Duc Quang says:


    But seriously, it’s refreshing to see that there are some out there who can see past the very temporally recent and geographically localized use of this beautiful and ancient symbol! The simple cross is just as old and widespread, but nobody recalls the horrors of the christian crusades when confronted with one.

    The outrage directed at the swastika when used in a peaceful, proper context always seemed to me to be nothing more then a knee-jerk reaction by people too simple minded to do even the most cursory research. It seems being viewed as a racist is a much more taboo thing nowadays then inadvertently being seen naked!

  2. 439. Anonymous says:

    if you discribe the phisical appearance of Mr.adolf heatler whitch is the leader of the organization of swastika, he look like a pinguin i dont know if thats true but it just base on my research.

  3. 438. Bernt says:

    The propoganda after the war has turned the History upside down.

    There is a reason why we are discussing this today!

  4. 437. gtcfyufvuyfv says:

    I think the swastika looks super cool. So did Rudyard Kippling (Jungle Book) as he had a tattoo of one, and then Hitler came along and ruined it all, even NAZI sounds cool, but Hitler ruined it all.

    Don’t think it be reclaimed though.

  5. 436. Bernt says:

    H.von Neuhaus
    Finest movment where the Jews gather all their forse to destroy their Arian aponants after declearing war on Germany in 1933.

    Read the history and ask your self the question.
    Why is history always repeating itself when it comews to the Jews.

    Swastica as presented by the NS is a powerfukll symbol trying to be apressed byall ZOG organisations.

  6. 435. H.von Neuhaus says:

    Lady Michiru Kaiou San.
    Gomen nasai, baka ni tsukure wakari nasai…

    Some idiots came to this honorable site pretending be “nazis”, they are really patetics. Like this guy Bernt… My apologize for they.
    The fight of England agaist the barbarian… was a finest moment in human kind’s History.
    We need to fight against the ignorance and give the SWASTIKA his real significance.

    Yours from México.
    Graff Herrman Von Neuhaus.

  7. 434. H.von Neuhaus says:

    Mein Liebe Bernt… however was your name…
    Tienes de “ario” lo que cualquier humano tiene de reptil. Tu idiotez es sólo comparable con tu nula capacidad intelectual… los nazis pasaron al basurero de la historia… y ahí se quedarán.
    Nuestro interés consiste en rescatar un símbolo que unos tarados ensuciaron. Mira “ario” relee (si es que sabes leer) Mein Kampf y ve de donde sacó el idiota de tu “Führer” la idea… yo ya lo leí, en alemán, castellano e inglés, tengo dos de sus libracos… dedicados de puño y letra. Ustedes los “neo” nazis son patéticos.
    Te pongo esto en español, idiot, para ver si en tu “superioridad” hablas más de un idioma.
    Yo hablo seis…
    Graff Hermann Von Neuhaus.

  8. 433. Lady Michiru Kaiou says:

    I totally agree that the Swastika should be rehabilitated.
    For far too long, the ignorant people of the world have
    continued to demonize this mystic holy symbol, but
    what they fail to realise is that the Fuhrer (Hitler) stole
    it to symbolize his twisted Weltanschaung
    (world view), just as he stole everything else to build
    up the NSDAP.
    My mother survived the Blitz in London in 1940, so
    I never experienced World War II or the Third Reich,
    so instead I decided to research it, regardless of
    other people’s opinions.
    I know about the Holocaust, so I am not insensitive
    to the plight of the Jews.
    And if anyone needs a reminder, just take a trip to
    Auschwitz, which stands as a permanent reminder of
    the horrors of National Socialism.
    (Nazi is shorthand for Nationalsozalistiche Deutscher
    Arbeiter Partei).

  9. 432. Rob says:

    The Raelist’s use a symbol that is a combination of the Swastika and Star of David.

    After much controversy, they changed it, and in 2007 they changed it back.

    It doesn’t say much that they are a UFO religious cult, but they know that it’s all about peace.

  10. 431. Lauren says:

    it is a symbol for many cultures and rases. i say that the jews should get over it . just like the rebel flag and the african americans. if they can get over the confederacy then jews can get over the nazis

  11. 430. wet-willy says:

    well, F the jews! what about palestine? what are they going through? this is not a race thing! it’s about a symbol and what it means, it doesn’t means “kill jews!” for shore!!!! Israel wasn’t even a country 70 years ago!.. But this site it’s not about religions, it’s about a symbol that was interpretated the wrong way…

  12. 429. lina says:

    i think its nonesense do u ever think of jews and what they went through? no need to reclaim the swastika

  13. 428. Franklin Marks says:

    The swastika’s misinterpretation is one of prejudice, in my opinion. The symbol was used to bless homes and families in the East for centuries. We shouldn’t be offended by it just because some maniac like Hitler abused it. I use a symbol that is based on the swastika and that doesn’t offend me (some of my relatives are Jewish).

  14. 427. Premasagar says:

    @H.von Neuhaus – Cool. Well, you can post small images to this message board with a simple HTML image tag. For this, the image would have to be already present on the Web (e.g. on Flickr):

    <img src="IMAGE_URL" alt="SHORT_DESCRIPTION" />

    Or, if you just want to send them so we can see them, please email mail {at} reclaimtheswastika {dot} com

  15. 426. H.von Neuhaus says:

    How can I send to you the pictures of the symbol used by the rescue team from ASUME 19?
    I’m trully sure you don’t know the Atlante Swastika… tell me please.

  16. 425. H.von Neuhaus says:

    The Asume 19 is a mountanering survival group who use the Edelweiß and the Swastika as symbols… we want to reivindicate the ancient symbols profanated by the nazis.
    We think this is a very good place for doing.
    Saludos afectuosos.

  17. 424. H. Von Neuhaus says:

    In fact I have the idea of writhing a book about the Swastika, but I need a editor… and we are making swastikas on metal and plastic here in Mexico… and finally, my group of mountanering use the atlante double swastika as his symbol with the inscription: Omnia Mecum Porto….
    Thanks for the fight in pro of the understod of this beautifull symbol.

  18. 423. larry ford says:

    i applaud you for ding this- the symbol is of great power- it deeply sadens me that Hitler still controls the minds of innocent people who no not the power and great beaury of the symbol– i have thought many times to write a book or do something to promote the true essence of the symbol– well done- let meknow how i can b of any assistance…

    blessings; larry ford

  19. 422. Tim Penaluna says:

    Is there anywhere that I can buy swastikas?

  20. 421. Anonymous says:

    I would like to acquire swastikas.
    Tim P.

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