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  1. 420. Hebrew-Aryan Monarch says:

    Actually I think Tiny Ray is right.
    Despite the last few enlightened bloggers, this place has basically become a place for the most insignificant leftists and right wingers to have each others heads.
    Don’t you realize that you are acting out your finely distorted programs?
    Nature built in a program for you to hate and exterminate one another; this is a program that almost every earth specie possesses; it is a program which has no danger when confounded to the animal worlds but when combined with human condition–conditioning: this is where the dangers takes it’s root.
    The “eat or get ate” program works for the animals, it keeps order because it would be impossible for any specie of animal to completely exterminate another specie.
    Only humans have grown to a point where they can dominate, only the Lions hunt, but they always will because they could not and “would not”"wipe out the entire specie of antelope or caribou.
    The Law of the jungle keeps the animal world in order and once kept all humans order, but it was the presence of the first pioneers to erect superior orders which were incompatible with the primitive earthly program……with a little luck the human race took a un-natrual and non-evolutionary quantum leap!
    Since animals are incapable of gaining control over the forces of nature and subduing life intellectually (and physically), they can’t be compared to the human condition.
    This is all a recipe for disaster and the eventual extermination of all life, even the RULERS-INITIATORS OF THE MADNESS!
    It is why you will all defeat each other with your constructed dogmas and ideologies, because you (as in most who read and comment on this forum) refuse (or mabey unable to fully grasp the reality) of the diversity in all life, and that because of this diversity in color and ideas you must practice tolerance ALL OF YOU!
    None of you have a choice anyway, mine as well except that you are all different species of human expression and be at peace with it, then together you will “be as one”; call it a passive version of “separate and equal”!.
    Instead of following the basic principles of great ideologies, traditions, and religions to flourish side by side as a true artist would have it, (as was done among the Muslim and Hindu scholars), you slip in the poison that destroys great works of art.
    Instead of “left and right”, “old and new”, “male and female”: working together,— you tear apart that which the Law had brought together for the purpose of creation and the preservation of the Created.
    The Gods, the deities, the angels, and their sons are neither completly left nor right and yet both.
    The essence of the soul is the center as well as male and female; and so reality is for both preservation and creation!
    One energy that is infinitely fragmented of course!
    The right hand of the Creator preserves that which IS, which means all the races of mankind, all precious art: scientific, and cultural achievements of ancient civilizations and cultures, all the angles who were there from the beginning, all the species of life itself and all their specific creative faculties of which every living being possess, ALL the energy that comes forth from every created essence of every race, specie and form—-of which shaped and continues to shape the world around them, just as they were and continue to be shaped by the world.
    Quite simply the RIGHT hand of the Creator preserves that which is created: be it the White Race, the Jews, the Native Americans, the various African peoples, the various Semetic and Aryan peoples of Arabia, Israel, Iran, India et.c——ALL have a created right to be preserved by the right hand of the Law.
    Adolf Hitler understood that.
    For a true Creator does not create a specimen of artwork for the purpose of destroying it, or to oppress it, only the freewill of the created can do that.
    So the Creator is both left and right, just as it is both divine male and divine female; one simply works with the other in prefect harmony.
    The act of Creation is meant to be followed by immediate preservation and so “the right and the left” work hand in hand in this process of life, love, light, and art.
    Humanity tears this process apart by separating that which The Holy Creator invented together and this is the first step to eventually bringing together that which the Original Inventor created separate.
    It is both the right without the left and the left without the right that produces the problem in physical existence especially because of the immense diversity of consciousness’s types therein.
    Racial preservation, or the preservation of the artists art is just as essential to life, light, and love as The Creation of New Races is to The Sons of the Creator.
    For the Old (or Original-Originals) is protected by the right hand (obviously), and the new is created through the left hand and the female aspect in nature; thus: Old (Originals) sprang from the “Original Left” aspect of the Creators mind; this act was immediately followed by the Creator protecting (or preserving) his work with his “right hand”; and again, the Original Creator was Angrogenous just as it was neither left nor right.
    Creating something without the desire to preserve it is a dishonor to yourself and your art.
    Since The Old is Male in essence, and the New is female in nature–(natural essence). Accordingly the male is the one who effectively preserves, the First Female along with the Sons of EL Creates, and they both (and all) contribute greatly to this wonderful process of creation and preservation!.
    So mixing races when done correctly is a form of the feminine-creative-new aspect of the dreams of the Children of the Creator dwelling in physical life, but “they” (meaning new races) must be specifically “designed”–(also must design themselves through living experience), if decided upon; and the original as well as new pure races which contain all the colors of the light spectrum though also manifested by the feminine initially are protected-preserved by the heavenly, the male.
    Red and Blue, two precious colors of life, when mixed correctly make a beautiful violet, but red and blue are still present in our rainbow and in nature, and so with the same logic white should not be destroyed by other colors but should exist not only side by side (remaining pure), but should also increase it’s light by serving the other colors, so that all may eventually return to the ONE origin of creativity by each second.
    When White serves it’s true (highest purpose) it will actually elaborate on other colors when it is time to unite all life.
    Thus Race Preservation and Multi-Racialism are aspects of the Creativity of The Desire of The Creator’s Children, his sons and daughters and of you, me, and all may live out their destiny.
    Thus their creative power (old = new = timeless) should each be defended and promoted on an equal and tolerant basis.
    To preserve what exists and to allow for New Creation is the way The Sons of The Lord Creator wants it; but contrary to the teachings of “the world” this must be a responsibly thought out operation, it must be done consciously and with perfect order in mind and practice.
    Race mixing is karmic, and can be very interesting and beautiful when done by us.
    The Hindu Indians technically hold the genes of 2 or 3 original races, which were brought together correctly,and purposely designed by some of the first Watchers to create civilization.
    The Hindus were designed by a Great Artist, they are a perfect earthly specimen with the correct skin shade to counteract the radioactivity of the sun’s relation to the earth and along with their completely Aryan physical features and with the mental powers, spiritual foundations, and the incoaded program of the heavenly EL-ites.
    Thus the Indians are a perfectly mixed raced specimen, are “in time”, and happy even though their ancestors originated from that place were Semites and Aryans decided to start intermarrying, and their highest families were designed by the Elohim themselves, with Aryan Angelic features and correct skin shade for earthly existence along with a program that passes the test of time and lasts into eternity—and a soul unique to humankind.
    The Peutoricans on the other hand were created by wicked foundations, they are the product of the rapes, murders, and plundering done by the Spanish Conquistadors and so are of a completely different mindset from say Indians just as “American Wasps” are of different nature to most Europeans.
    So whether mixed raced or pure race, the three most important components are spiritual purity, proper genetic programs, and good karmic conditions.
    Any race created in good social, spiritual, and genetic conditions will be successful and full of beauty, creativity, and new thought forms.
    The Hindu Indians are not simply “brown people”, they are in fact “brownish-red”, guardians of the holy fire of life, color, creativity, and kindness though they are fully capable of righteous anger, of both Vishnu and Shiva, ultimately serving Lord Krishna.
    Hinduism is a colorful perspective and a perfect earthly religion-culture, for when light enters the physical world, we have the color spectrum, the rainbow!
    And so Hindus are happy and full of bliss, they deprive themselves of nothing good that life has to offer and they feed their “clean desires”— as opposed to the West which has tended over the last few thousand years to serve their unclean desires: full of grotesqueness and life negativing properties.
    The Hebrews worshiped the Father of Light and Creation though they ended up disregarding the Art, while many pagans worshiped the Art and disregarded the Father-Creator, but the Hindus worship both the Father-Artist and his Creation-Art, and they venerate the sons of the Creator who made all this physical life possible through their own creative desire.
    Thus they honored the Creator and the Creation and worshiped both, this is why these Indians were superior to their Semitic cousins because even though the Aryans had their symbolic idols, which when compared to the level of egotism and blaspheme that reached the highest heavens where the Semites were concerned, the idols of the Aryans were miniature in comparison: not even worth the wrath of Shiva or Vishnu, let alone Yahweh.
    The Essenes were very much the same except that they worshiped the pure light of the heavenly realms and so unlike Hindus were not “people of the earthly transmission of light”, but reflected the pure light of the higher heavens, this is why they dressed in White and did not where red dots on their foreheads—BECAUSE THAT IS WHO THEY REALLY ARE!!!
    The Essenes were not hypocrites like Catholics and most Christian Bishops, Wearing and desiring to be “White”.—-they get a hooker, instead they prefer to take out their shit on kids and old lady’s!
    While the Hindus celebrated the colors, spiritually innocent desires, and spark of Physical Light in Creation by wearing a spiritually pure form of red on their third eye and carrying the fiery spirit in their lit souls.
    The Essenes also honored the spiritually pure redness of life and earthly creativity but their ancestral origins were directly of the spiritually pure White Light of the highest heavens, while The Hindus are a perfect earthly race of peace, love, and cyclical success (though they also have ansestrial heritage from the Sons of Light, they were invented on earth (and other planets of the universe; invented with a program intended to be the most successful on earth because of the perfect balance of this work in form.
    The White Race unfortunately was never meant or intended for this planet, and this is why it has been so unsuccessful (on the level of evolution)–(getting back to their original state), instead it has provoked the devolution not only of it’s own race but also of many others, and still it retains the few genes that allow it to rule over all life, thus preserving it’s dominion.
    All races have fallen victim to the temptations of the Race of Azazel; all have been subverted, initiated into the dark arts, shown the lie of “progress” and as a consequence have either lost their souls or sealed their fate because of the usurpation of the refracted light emanating from a fallen and in some cases bastard race.
    It is important not to put all whites in the same category, for you have those who have more of the Atlantian gene, and those of which the Neanderthal gene is more prevelant.
    Those whites descended from Atlantians tend to come up with “ideas to save the world”, ideas such as “to put an end to all war”, “to have earthly creatures live together in harmony and integration”, and have also created some of the best quality art that has given the West it’s psychological superiority.
    Those who are more Neanderthal are the complete opposite to their Atlantian counterparts.
    They hate artists, their only pastime is war, and bigotry is their only love.
    Forchunatly the White Race is a mixed breed because they have both Atlantian and Neanderthal heritage and so for the more Atlantian (unless they have virtually uncorrupted line) struggle with these two natures–one beastly, the other Godly.
    Most hippies were of the breed I just described and that is why they celebrated their revolutionary ideas while at the same time rejecting race—they had to do this because their whole lives they had Neanderthal decendents presenting themselves as “white” and abusing the word “race”.
    The proclamation that all whites are the same is what made those whites who were most Atlantian turn on the “white race” because they had been taught that “white is this”, and “race is that”; and so they felt a moral obligation to reject both race and white.
    If they only knew that they’re hatred is founded, but that they have been lied to when it comes to directing it, they would realize just how precious their kind is.
    They’re war with their parents and the Capitalist White Power structure was simply the same war that has been waged between the more refined whites (lets call them Atlantians for fun) and the more beastly ones (truly the decendents of the Neanderthals).
    The ancient war between the Race of Jacob (Yakov-Atlantians) and the Race of Esau (Caucus Mountain Neanderthal decendents) is still at it’s peak because the wicked shepherds (fallen angelic races) have given ruler ship to the race of Esau (The Hairy White Beasts from Northern Europe) so that they can enjoy their own fallen time cycle.
    Forchunatly the Neanderthal derivative race also retained genetic codes (from the interbreeding that occurred under Azazel leadership) and thus the knowledge of the keys to earthly power (and destructive energies of the physical universe), which lays the power to manipulate the forces and laws of nature in their hands, as gifts if you will, from the Ancient Atlantians.
    All because the Atlantians occasionally had sex with Neanderthals they conquered, the time cycle of Esau was initiated; and so the Atlantian-White Neanderthal crossbreed was the result of this mixture, thus the Race of Esau!
    Esau is the “White Man” and Jacob-Yakov is the “White Atlantian”, the White Angelic forefather of all Semitic and Aryan peoples of every skin shade and from every race.
    The most disastrous racial mixing project was the creating of the Esau race, and the repercussions were the most destructive.
    Many races of the earth have been cursed for following the “White Man”, virtually every color of the light spectrum separated into individual races of mankind have been severely effected by the leadership and influence of “refracted light”, thus “spiritually impure Whiteness”–in fact the most diabolical form of “impurity” because it holds the angelic keys to opening the doors of power in the physical world thus ensuring dominion no matter how wicked the intent.
    Now do you know what the Davidic prophets meant when they spoke of “wicked shepherds”?
    No it wasn’t Esau or Jacob per say that they were fighting, it was corruption, of any bloodline, be it that of Judah, Benjamin, or Esau—The prophets were not racists as they are commonly depicted and accepted, though they loved their race and genetic progeny (probably a lot more than other races)–so to a certain extent they had a tendancy toward prejuduce (to pre-judge) but not racism (to dominate others based on a beleif in the superiority of ones race, tribe, or nation).
    The prophets of the holy bloodline were not loyal to a middle eastern tribe “by blood”, but by the the righteousness of whoever chose-chooses life.
    Now you know what Yeshua really meant when he said that “your fathers killed the prophets!”
    He wasn’t talking to or about the Davidic linage or to common semite peasants but to the bloodline that had participated in knocking out the righteous lines of Benjaminite and Davidic heritige (his parents family) from the role of leadership.
    When Pompi invaded he through the decendency of Solomon out on their ass, introduced the Pharisee’s and Sadduccees which had already been gathering power, and made Yeshua’s family, who were of royal blood and tradition poor and this is why they were forced to live as peasants; but Yeshua still had “the blood”, and the “the tradition” that produced (or brought to life) prophets, wise men, creative people, and visionaries without number throughout the Ages and so did his family and all the decendents of his family!!!
    That means all those decendents of his family members who married Frankish nobles to create the Merovingians brought their Davidic line and Essene tradition to enact a new and improved bloodline of the keepers of Pure White Healing energies.
    The Cathars were the purest manifestation of their wise choice to interbreed with the Franco-Germanics…. so with the coming of the “holy grail” to Southern France came these ideas that were passed down by blood, the tradition that came with that blood, and that tradition was Essene by and large.
    It had been since Noah and Enoch, it was only slavery and captivity that followed the conquering that the early Israelites did that allowed the forces of darkness to introduce depravity into their pure tradition.
    Anyhow It was the corrupted bloodline that had killed all of Yeshua’s family and ancestors who he accused, NOT THE JEWS!
    (As today, yesterday it was those who officially represented “the Jews” to the world and to themselves.)
    This group of Fallen Semites found another tool when they came accross the “Khazars” because this Polish Warrior people were in fact the decendents of a strain of Esua, the enemy of the Semite races!
    When some of these antrpenuars interbred with the Khazars they infused great power into the slavic bloodstream and created a new people who would be their well paid (at least)slaves.
    So while the Royal Line of David made the wise descion to infuse itself in the Franco-Germanic heritige, the decendents of the Pharisses and Sadducces found themselves content with the children of Esua (Neanderthal decendents) while they kept their lines as pure as they could; interestingly many high ranking Pharrisees and Sadducces infact married into the Western (Anglo-Germanic race) while they promoted the majority of hebrew “sheep” to take Khazars for wives!
    There in lies the great difference between Eastern Ashkenazim and Western Ashkenazim, for the smart hebrews, be they Essenes, Pharrisees or Sadducces married into the Anglo-Germanic-and or Anglo-Saxon tree and this is why Western Ashkenazi’s are some of the smartest people in the world, because their fathers were very wise when they choose their wives.
    Though every race has been significantly effected by the corruption of the Half Neanderthal-half Atlantian crossbreed (mixed race specie) commonly reffered to as the so-called “White Man”, the Reddish-brownish peoples of India have protected and preserved their spiritual integrity amongst all the attempts to conquer this strength.
    This is because they are the chosen race of earthly existence, they maintain peace cyclically and must direct the races of the earth, even must help to rehabilitate the White Man and cause him to discover the great power he holds to repair a broken world, a power which resides in his genetic incoading, it is the power to transform reality, and if channeled correctly can bring paradise, “THE NEW EARTH” to our planetary system.
    The Hindu is there to teach the White Man, and guide him to his greatest purpose and achievements, to bring White Light to physical life.
    Unfourchunatly the dark powers have been given power over the “White Race” and this is only because they were themselves products of great temptation partly because their Creators were fallen angels, “Gods” on earth who left their heavenly host and caste and decided to do the unnatural.
    So the White Race must humble itself, because it is the original bastard, a bastard of the Gods, the Watchers who committed the original sin of an ‘unnatural’ race mixing.
    This is the origin of the confusion which plagues the white race, a confusion which the whites look to share with the other races who have nothing to do such misforchune.
    The other races have much different stories and should not waste their time adopting the confusion that arises from being originally a Neanderthal Ape Man crossbred with a God.
    Indians are not bastards even though they are a mixed race because their high castes were designed by the Watchers themselves prior to the whole “sleeping with the daughters of man debacle”!
    They have Aryan chemistry, cemetry, and geometry with a earthly, fiery spark of creative redness impregnated into the brown soil of the fertile earth which gives them the beautiful color of their skin and their sunlit souls.
    Whites must look toward India when they want a perfect example of earthly cyclical perfection, and when they seek guidlines for living and want to know of their heavenly (Original) heritage they must look to the Essenes for they were a perfect reflection of the White Light from the heavenly-higher realms.
    They should never however mix pure light with any manner of darkness or deception because that is the source of the worst possible manifestations.
    Therefor they should refrain from reading the Bible because they do not have the wisdom or the knowledge to decoad it’s true secrets; the books still present in the so-called “Bible” though it still retains the the language of light (which is the source of it’s great attraction) it has been horribly distorted for thousands of years by opportunists (both hebrew and non-hebrew) who gained power under Babylonian activity.
    Thus The Great Hebrew accounts of EL’s program for a New Earth was altered to serve selfish men who preferred to keep others in bondage while they fed their sense-gratifying goals; this is why they introduced all manner of animal and human sacrifice into the documents (animal sacrifice out in the open and human sacrifice “sublimally”), this is how they served the enemies of Israel because they got Jews to perform the sacrificial formulas which permitted dangerous and violent races to conquer them without mercy.
    Most other “Pagan” Gods worshiped power for power sake, but the Israelities cliamed to know and practice righteousness, where taught to sacrifice power and rights for righteousness sake; and so the only way the Israelites could be decived was if they were convinced that what they were doing was “right”.
    This was the very origin of the sorrows of this destinkt community of people.
    Israelites were always referred to as sheep because EL gave them genetic qualities which sheep have, sheep also were given the qualities of an innocent race, they were given angelic genetic coads thus the reason for their angelic nature; by convincing Israelites to sacrifice sheep they thus convinced the jews to sacrifice lesser versions of themselves which were created to be a reminder to Jews of their position to their Creator.
    By sacrificeing sheep, doors were opened for superior animals (false Gods) in the human community to devour and sacrifice “The Ju’s”–”like sheep”.
    By convincing Jews to sacrifice the divine feminine, they set up the program for Jews to be sacrificed because only the Original Eternal Creator is fully male; in comparison we are all sheep, in order to get mercy and become more male, we must cherish and protect all that are more feminine, all that are helpless, all that are subjects, all that cannot defend themselves, then we will all receive protection from the “lions” of the universe, otherwise there is no protection from the beasts, the destructive and unfourchunate forces in our universe.
    In order for the rule of pure spirit to arrive, it should never be sacrificed for temporary power.
    The Essenes were a sect of Israelites that preserved the original doctrine for a perfect existence given directly from the Elohim to Enoch and Noah.
    The Essenes had the teaching that truly secures cyclical protection from the death forces, and allows for eternal peace in and out of the physical worlds.
    They were (and are) the “good shepherds” here to lead the flock of humanity to the light.
    But the ones that took the power were not “good shepherds”, they were infect the agents of death, they were “wicked shepherds” and thus invented a set of documents (out of the original teachings and speeches of the Hebrew prophets throughout the last cycle) and wrote themselves in, they preserved enough as to justify themselves so others would not see them for what they are, this is why at the end of “The Book of Isaiah” when the prophet condemns animal sacrifice, the wicked ones then wrote in at the last page “and now we may sacrifice to our Lord” so it became a question of loyalty, not of righteousness, which tricked the Ju’s to fall to the mental level of the pagan!!!
    The sin of the mind was not the most evil act, but sacrificeing spirit made flesh is the altimate transgression!
    So it is not sacrificeing “to idols”, or to “other Gods”, that is the sin, it is the evil sacrifice of the innocent that is the greatest transgression.
    Being blessed has nothing to do with loyalty to a personality because choosing life, and living in tune with the Law of the Creator surpasses any “human or Godlike personality”.
    The Wicked Shepards tried to make it seem like betraying the great personality was the not only a sin, but the ultimate sin, when in reality it was the murder of a helpless being that was the sin and which opened the doors for demons to destroy Israel more fully!
    As long as the Israelites remained in bondage they would need these monsters, as long as they committed unnecessary sacrifices they would suffer unnecessary sacrifice at the hands of the carnivorous, as long as they remained in bondage as consequence of transgression they would remain indebted to the wicked shepherds and the beasts of the Gentiles.
    And the one act that would remove the rope would be the correct one, but the Israelites could not find themselves able to cease following the lairs, and the more protection that they lost from the Lords of Light the more protection they would need from powerful demons of which these “wicked shepherds” were vestiges.
    If we all cease unnecessary sacrifice (that only promotes the opposite of life and makes the spirit of Eve ill thus ev-il), love your own and then extend that love to others, this is what all the prophets who were of the bloodline of Enoch and Noah, (who were Nazirites and Essenes)preached to their flock and anyone else who cared to hear it, but their most important commandments were continually altered in order to change the meaning of every word they spoke, all the better to empower the enemy with their “great words”.
    Thus all the good they preached was preserved (and altered in every other quatrain), at the same time they always “gave the commandments at the end” (like demanding the jews perform sacrifice of innocent creatures).
    Thus the flock of Israel became indebted to those who were able to triumph over them by lying to them and increasing their fear.
    It was bad luck for the Israelites because they were vegetarian by race, and so by getting them to kill animals and devour them, this effected the Jews in a much worse way than it would the Romans (because Romans were lions by nature) thus they are natural omnivores; but the Jews are meant to be vegetarians, when they deviate from their ordained diet they get very sick and this is the greatest reason for jewish stress levels and a part of why they have developed so many genetic diseases, because like sheep, goats, cows, ect. they are meant to be vegetarian!
    So the master lairs effect great peoples like a drug, and the hangover IS THE FUTURE and the distorted-time destroying qualities is the result from reading these corrupted documents. Hinduism on the other hand is not very corrupted and nearly perfect, and it is a natural manifestation of life and light weaved together.
    Anyhow the preservation of the old is also the preservation of the new, thus pure races and mixed races must be preserved side by side, all corrupted races must be purified through great repentance, and order should be the guiding force of all future creation!
    Ideologies must do the same because most of them have a central truth and are worth preserving from an artistic point of view!
    To Each his own, to every individual his private creed!
    Go the way of the Artist, the Swastika, the Star of David, the Gods, the creative force and except diversity as our greatest strength!!
    Follow the righteous crossbreed, follow not in the steps of unrighteous giants but in the way of the spiritual ancestry of David from the truth spoken by the prophets to the example of the Cathars, to the Royal Experience of The Merovingians by blood.
    To those who are rebellious I suggest the taking of LSD in order to help you find your way, or to just “zone out” if that is what you want, for many of you are still angels and are beautiful works of art.
    But for those who want to make use of their time I suggest following in the way Enoch, Noah, and Isaiah, in the way and leadership of great men of old and renown!

    Seek the Good Shepard’s!

    Live long in the land!

  2. 419. Brama Buddah says:

    The swastika is Buddist in nature

  3. 418. Andrew says:

    I think that the swastika should not be banned from use because if people are mature they will use the symbol right. Also kids use the symbol in school prodjects ,and are learnig how discrimarory the symbol is . So no the swastica shouldn’t be banned for certian reasons .,

  4. 417. Brama Buddah says:

    The swastika destroyed Germany just as it gave birth to Israel by using the “most willing” in the final sacrifice.

  5. 416. Brama Buddah says:

    It is more hypocritical to use the star for racism than to use the swastika cause you know, the swastika is force that drives, the star is pure peace, we do not drive it, it drives us

  6. 415. Brama Buddah says:

    The “Star of David” is also known from all civil and or “civilized cultures” in the universe.
    The Hexagram is found in the molecule and in the molecular structure of the universe on all levels.
    The swastika is the heart, that which is life, and the star of David starts as small as a musterd seed and it’s body gows while the spirit can never stop growing.
    Your connection to the swastika is sheer reality, but our connection the Hexagram is to that of divinity in ourselves, our univese, to the highest heavens.

  7. 414. Rama Buddah says:

    The swastika is found in every culture on the planet.
    All from the most primitive to the most advanced, by all intelegent biengs and enlightened beings in the universe the swastika is held and lived by becuase any society who knows how the univese works knows that from the galexy to black and white holes to the power of all things circular–cyclical.

  8. 413. Yannis says:
    The swastika is a symbol of creation and power.

  9. 412. VegasRaelian says:

    I was proud to wear my traditional Raelian symbol, with the 6 point star and swastika, to work as soon as I got it. I have the modified version tattooed on my arm. But the original version needs to be prevalent. Take the swastika back. People should see it as the ultimate disarming of neo-nazis.

  10. 411. H.von Neuhaus says:

    Good idea Julia, many of us will like to use T.Shirts with the Swastika on his real concept…
    I use my metal swastika always, even with my jude friends, they understand the real significance.
    Go ahead with this as soon as possible!

  11. 410. Julia says:

    I love the idea of reclaiming the swastika. I hate that the nazis used it for their sick purposes – I can’t have any Buddhist flag at home without people thinking I’m a nazi, that’s just not right.

    Is there anything I, or the pleb, can do to support this reclamation? Some sort of petition? Buying t-shirts with quick-witted lines and swastikas on them?

  12. 409. Premasagar says:

    Thanks ManWoman (your comment a while back)… I’ve change the link to the Save The Swastika page on your new site.

  13. 408. Premasagar says:

    Thank you all for your continued contributions, folk.

    Trueblue indigo – please do! And good luck with it. Let us know how it goes.

    Chris Wharton – sorry that I missed your previous message. Sure, feel free to contact me (one of the site’s creators):
    p {at} premasagar {dot} com

  14. 407. trueblue indigo says:

    i am finishing a mansuscript which is aimed at the metaphysical audience. i will be propsing the new consciousness begin wearing the swasitka to reclaim it from the brutes who stole it. may i reference your site, possibly take info? while not the subject of the book itself, ia discussion of the history and symbology of the swastika will be included in the afterward of the book.

    sat nam

    true indigo

  15. 406. Chris Wharton says:

    Is there anyway to speak to the organizers of this website?


  16. 405. Sam says:

    Great site, good info. Indeed it is a shame that people only see swastika as a nazi symbol.

  17. 404. wet-willy says:

    I totaly agree, it’s a graphic symbol like no other, older than the nazi history itself.
    Let’s bring her again, let’s embrace the swastika and other cultures. Not reject them or forbid. Hasta!

  18. 403. jake says:

    I think its cool

  19. 402. Erika says:

    We still have to be careful of how it is being used, though.

  20. 401. J.A. says:

    Anyone can take any symbol and turn it into anything they want. I can take a dollar sign and give me a month and it will be a symbol of hate. But just because it is America’s symbol of money, some b.s. website will want to take back “their” symbol. Why does it have to be a movement…

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