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  1. 400. GTZSw33T!3 HiNdUBaBii30 says:

    SWASTIKA…..SwAsTiKa…..Swastika……. PPL need to stop stressin ova da Swastika all the religons who use it know what it is and how that dumb son off a b***h Hitler disgraced it and used it wrongfully…so to my HINDUS, Buddhists, and Jains,,,,much luv dont let that @$$ let any 1 say anything bout our cultures……and it would be nice TO RECLAIM THE SWASTIKA….

  2. 399. Chris says:


    I am a graphic design student conducting a project on the Swastika. I was hoping I could pose some questions to the ‘Reclaim the Swastika’ organisers.
    I would greatly appreciate any help.
    Thank you

  3. 398. Yip Yap Yoodly says:

    Hi. Why do you want to get it back? Where did it go? You can’t have lost it… Anyways it’s a symbol for pete’s sakes…

  4. 397. Anonymous says:

    Its just a symbol, bring it back! Stop worrying about the past!

  5. 396. Sudhir says:

    I feel that the Swastika will naturally reclaim its rightful place over the next few decades as Asia and especially India move to the centre stage of the world. The reality is that with economic strength comes the ability to influence cultural issues. The current guilt trip by the West over Hitler which demonises the Swastika is only sustainable while they have the economic upper hand.

  6. 395. americangirl says:

    it is a real shame that the nazis perverted this meaningful symbol. i say with utmost disappointment that in western eyes, this symbol will be tainted forever. i believe that buddhists, hindus, jains, and all people who identify with this symbol in a positive way will have to continue to remind ignorant people of its extremely GOOD origins. (and i’m so sorry about that…) the misuse of the swastika, the ultimate ancient symbol of goodness, is proof of hitler’s extreme hate.


  7. 394. Attitude Overdoze says:

    Say i am a person from South Asia, Nepal. Hitler was totally screwed up his A$$ or was high when he choose this symbol and faced it against the mirror and turned it a little on the left. This symbol here in my country has been in use way before Hitler’s time which means Peace, love and its celebration. And the thing about Aryan, we are the real Aryan’s not the germans and Hitler wanted to create his people to be a supremebeing just like we are. That’s why he brain washed saying he was Aryan and used our symbol and misused it. I was in a correctional facility in the united states and i saw many skin heads with all the Nazi tattoos saying “white pride” on the back of their neck, it was really hillarious because if anyone of you skinheads read this then u ain’t no damm Aryan and u people don’t even know how the swastika is in its real Aryan form, Hitler really messed it up. I just wanna say that i am who i am and i don’t need to be german to be an Aryan, just go and read some history…………..

  8. 393. To Teiwaz says:

    Well, the jews would happily dwell on it forever.Through it they can accumulate what is most important for the most of them in life – Power and control, represented in this case by money.Cultural reasons and the like mean nothing to them no matter what someone tells you or even more what one of them tells you, that’s why most people have never heard anything else about the swastika other than its coherence with the Nazis and everyone knows about that eh?

  9. 392. Teiwaz says:

    I indeed we should reclaim the swastika, in my religion it is a symbol dedicated to one of our gods.
    Yes its sad what the germans did, but that is over 60 years ago and we cant dwell on it forever

  10. 391. Chance says:

    The swastika is a very bad thing we don’t need it back

  11. 390. Bail says:

    I just want to tell you that the swastika was used in most of europe during the bronzeage. In northern europe it was primary used as a solar symbol. I dont now the specifik mening of the symbol in the southern part of europe.
    In skandinavia the symbol was mainly used as the reverse of the naziswastika. And it was a symbol of good luck no matter what the hindu tradition tells. As all solar symbols are. Simply becourse they are a part of the fertillity culture/religion.

  12. 389. byaa!! says:

    you are all douche bags!!!

  13. 388. Richard Comaish says:

    As well as ‘reclaiming the swastika,’ is it possible to go as far as reclaiming something of the actual Nazi swastika without in any way condoning the evils of right-wing Nazi realities and atrocities? It has been suggested that the Nazi swastika contains the initials for ‘Sieg Sozialisten,’ or ‘Socialist Victory,’ which many of us believe in. Is it possible that the symbol suggests early Nazi idealism subsequently swamped & hijacked by right-wing maneuvers such as the infamous ‘Night of the Long Knives’ and Hitler?

  14. 387. Avenger says:

    To “Justice” “383——

    You are talking boloni and you don’t get it.
    While I would not personaly where a swastika becuase of the crimes commited under it to condem the symbol is racist and deadly because every culture on the face of the earth has this symbol as one of freedom and life, not to mention the fact that every galexy is in fact a type of swastika, we are bound to it.
    Now you do not like the symbol probably because you personaly have a great affinity with the Jewish people becuase of your “new Christian faith”….and I say ‘new’ because unitll Hitler pulled his shit and scared the crap out of Jews and Gentiles alike you Christians were the most sickly anti-Semites to be found on the surface of the earth—-”all Gods will I suppose”.
    500 years ago you Christians made Muslims look like Jew lovers!

    By the way ………. The star of David is also to be found…..side by side with the eternal swastika in every human community you can trace on the Globe.

    Bless you.

  15. 386. NKS says:

    I want to clear up one thing here without getting into the ‘why nazi’s killed jews’ topic.JEW’s are a race, Judaism is a religion.Although the two are often connected, they don’t necceserily have to be.Half or quarter jewish people sometimes take up judaism as a means to show and express their jewish side.I think if you compare a white and a black and then a white and a jew the white and the black have more in common psychologically.Some people might now disagree because they cant see past skin color.Skin color most of the time is simply an environmental adaptation.Among typical jewish mental lines are that they complain more about daily chores, they never ever admit they’re mistakes or negative sides(now remember the story about bush being a ‘strong’ leader and that’s what americans ‘want’), they have a natural lust for power, because they think they know exactly how things should be done, with which comes learnt ability to manipulate money and the minds of other people(propaganda).jews also have distinct physical characteristics like a long, hooked nose, curving bald forehead, deep eye sockets etc etc…
    If you dont believe me, i have no proof about the psychic characteristics but ask and anthropologist about the physical characteristics.

  16. 385. Sven says:

    I enjoyed reading your website and find it to be well-written and informative, but at the end of the day I still disagree with the basic premise (i.e., to “reclaim the swastika”).

    As powerful and ancient is the pre-Nazi history of the symbol, I feel it still pales in comparison to the horrors that were committed by those who appropriated the swastika as their own. The swastika now has a new set of meanings and significance attached to it, and the Nazi’s use of it is important to remember (although certainly not to honour).

    Yes, the symbol is an ironic one as well (because of the dissonance between the pre-Nazi and Nazi connotations). I think the proper context is to indeed compare the different meanings. Yet this won’t change the chill I feel when I see a picture of a 1916 women’s hockey team wearing the swastika on their chests … and I think history is well served by having both meanings attached.

    Understand the swastika, yes; “reclaim” it, no.

  17. 384. dada says:

    383. justice — try to apply your logic to christianity and the cross… or communism and the star… or…

  18. 383. justice says:

    no one should be proud to wear a swastika symbol…. Nazi’s killed so many innocent jews just because they were a different reliegion.. they also killed them cause the jews were rich.. Swastika sybols are a DISCRACE… i’m a christian but the lord would not want this.. i am a christian and i’m and an american but i have friends and family members from my uncle’s side of the fmaily that are jews …. who cares what rligion they are as long as they aren’t a Nazi…. If u believe in the lord don’t ever display the swastika symbol ever again in ur life’s..

  19. 382. ManWoman says:

    Hi, I’ve got a new website at

    It has lots of swastika info and friends of the swastika working to Save the Swastika.
    Please change your link to me as the old site at isn’t working for me now.


  20. 381. headplow says:

    While we all share this planet and are constantly reminded of how we should treat others (political correctness), I propose we all toughen up a bit. Who cares who uses any symbol for any reason? Get over it.
    “That person called me a white devil and said I was fat and ugly’ – so what? The human race may or may not be getting more intelligent but we are definitely getting far too sensitive. It’s as if adults have regressed to childhood with all the hurt feelings. Buck up for christ’s sake. The real issue here is censorship which I find disgusting. In a modern free-thinking society express yourself as you feel. As a supporter of what science and history have undeniably shown, only the strong survive.

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